Search for "Julio"

Collaboration instead of Competition
28 min

Collaboration instead of Competition

The Linux Distributions Working Group at the Open Mainframe…

openSUSE on the Mainframe
15 min

openSUSE on the Mainframe

The Future of community distributions on IBM Z

Household, Totalitarianism and Cyberspace
56 min

Household, Totalitarianism and Cyberspace

Philosophical Perspectives on Privacy Drawing on the…

3 min


Jugend hackt Ulm 2017

Staatstrojaner in Karlsruhe
54 min

Staatstrojaner in Karlsruhe

Anhörung zur verdeckten Infiltration von IT-Systemen

If you see something, say something
75 min

If you see something, say something

das Künstlerduo Wermke/Leinkauf spricht über das…