Search for person "Tobias Görgens"

What's cooking in GNOME?
73 min

What's cooking in GNOME?

GNOME 3.12 - Design Decisions, Main Changes, Future Visions

Eliminating DOM-based XSS
49 min

Eliminating DOM-based XSS

Or: How taint tracking in Chromium works

Hacking German Elections
63 min

Hacking German Elections

Insecure Electronic Vote Counting - How It Returned and Why…

Free Software Virtual Singer
47 min

Free Software Virtual Singer

Dehumanize the Human Voice

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.
60 min

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate.

You have a tracking device in your pocket

The JPEG is dead! Long live the JPEG!
51 min

The JPEG is dead! Long live the JPEG!

A tour de force of major developments in open source image…