Search for person "Tilmann Becker"

The foodsaving grassroots movement
37 min

The foodsaving grassroots movement

How cooperative online structures can facilitate…

Is my system fast?
36 min

Is my system fast?

An introduction of some tools that help to answer this…

China und die digitale Weltordnung
27 min

China und die digitale Weltordnung

Blaupause für den digitalen Kontrollstaat?

3D printing on the moon
55 min

3D printing on the moon

The future of space exploration

Space Hacker
62 min

Space Hacker

Uploading rover...

FPGA 101
54 min

FPGA 101

Making awesome stuff with FPGAs

Programming FPGAs with PSHDL
61 min

Programming FPGAs with PSHDL

Let's create the Arduino for FPGAs

Programming FPGAs with PSHDL
48 min

Programming FPGAs with PSHDL

Lets create the Arduino for FPGAs

Not your Grandfathers moon landing
59 min

Not your Grandfathers moon landing

Hell yeah, it's Rocket Science 3.1415926535897932384626!

Strahlung im Weltall
43 min

Strahlung im Weltall

Hell yeah, it's radiation science!

53 min


Fakten, Mythen, Geschichte(n) und mögliche Zukünfte