Search for person "Stef Walter"

Cyborg Teams
49 min

Cyborg Teams

Happy humans, tired machines

MySQL Multi-Master Replication Failover - A step-by-step explanation
49 min

MySQL Multi-Master Replication Failover - A step-by-step explanation

How to setup a MySQL cluster with Automatic failover for HA

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough
29 min

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough

Several failure modes of the hacker scene

Why technology sucks
44 min

Why technology sucks

If technology is the solution, politicians are the problem

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making
61 min

Avoiding kernel panic: Europe’s biggest fails in digital policy-making

How the institutions fuck up, and how we fuck it up as well