Search for person "Sebastian van der Linden"

Smart, safe & happy
53 min

Smart, safe & happy

ensuring civil rights in the digital era

PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs
31 min

PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs

an overview of physically unclonable functions

A world without blockchain
42 min

A world without blockchain

How (inter)national money transfers works

The DROWN Attack
55 min

The DROWN Attack

Breaking TLS using SSLv2

Last- und Performancetests in der Cloud?!
57 min

Last- und Performancetests in der Cloud?!

Warum Performancetesting in Zeiten der Cloud immer noch…

golang rockt!
65 min

golang rockt!

Meine neue Lieblingssprache: golang

TBM: Trusted boot module
53 min

TBM: Trusted boot module

NLNet sponsored (open hardware) trusted boot module

55 min


Open Source Podcast Audio Chain

Commits statt Zeit
32 min

Commits statt Zeit

Das git-gewahre Performance-Dashboard gipeda