Search for person "Sebastian van der Linden"
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53 min
Smart, safe & happy
ensuring civil rights in the digital era

31 min
PUFs, protection, privacy, PRNGs
an overview of physically unclonable functions

42 min
A world without blockchain
How (inter)national money transfers works

55 min
The DROWN Attack
Breaking TLS using SSLv2

58 min
OpenINTEL: digging in the DNS with an industrial size digger
I measured 60% of the DNS, and I found this

27 min
Detecting a breach from an attackers perspective.
We're gonna regret this

57 min
Last- und Performancetests in der Cloud?!
Warum Performancetesting in Zeiten der Cloud immer noch…

65 min
golang rockt!
Meine neue Lieblingssprache: golang

53 min
TBM: Trusted boot module
NLNet sponsored (open hardware) trusted boot module

60 min
Windows drivers attack surface
some 'new' insights

32 min