Search for person "Marco Schneider"

Iridium Update
56 min

Iridium Update

more than just pagers

58 min


half a year later

Iridium Hacking
46 min

Iridium Hacking

please don't sue us

The rad1o
47 min

The rad1o

Listen to all the things

19 min


[Löt] ehaserl Präsentation

57 min


Paradoxien des deutschen Wahlsystems

Open Source Entwicklung lernen mit Drupal
57 min

Open Source Entwicklung lernen mit Drupal

Folgerungen für erfolgreiche Drupal-Didaktik aus einem…

Terrorists and the Internet
41 min

Terrorists and the Internet

A Justification for Stricter Laws?

Online Search
79 min

Online Search

A Necessary Investigation Instrument?

Know Your Citizens
57 min

Know Your Citizens

State Authorities' Access to Sensitive Information

Cybercrime Convention
57 min

Cybercrime Convention

Hacking on its way to become a criminal act?