Search for person "Julian Kirsten Arni"
34 min
Evolution and design of new interfaces for musical…
51 min
Open Source Cloud Speicher
60 min
Von ACTA, IPRED und Freunden
57 min
a history of creative x86 virtual memory uses
60 min
A latest battle report by some key actors from Brussels
54 min
Das Ende der Exklusivität
56 min
We are the 99% (CPU usage)
47 min
Lobbying on an International Scale
21 min
Willkommen zu den metarheinmain chaosdays
42 min
Five Years after the announcement of a quasi moratorium
54 min
What the WTO Treaty did in Hongkong and what that means for…
53 min
Fakten, Mythen, Geschichte(n) und mögliche Zukünfte