Search for person "Frank Guthausen"
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16 min
What can you do with a self-hosted alternative to Office365, Google Apps and others
A small selection of the nearly 200 apps for Nextcloud

29 min
Freie und nachhaltige Software
Was wir vom Nextcloud-Projekt über langfristige…

36 min
Is my system fast?
An introduction of some tools that help to answer this…

49 min
Scanning and reporting vulnerabilities for the whole IPv4 space.
How the Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure scales…

8 min
A little helper for Rui Capela's drumkv1

45 min
Entdecken unbekannterer Linux-Kommandos

17 min
kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers
A convenient way to work with your OBS built images

135 min