Search for person "Felix "tmbinc" Domke"

Software Defined Emissions
60 min

Software Defined Emissions

A hacker’s review of Dieselgate

Script Your Car!
58 min

Script Your Car!

Using existing hardware platforms to integrate python into…

Console Hacking 2006
50 min

Console Hacking 2006

Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii

Distributed FPGA Number Crunching For The Masses
56 min

Distributed FPGA Number Crunching For The Masses

How we obtained the equivalent power of a Deep Crack for a…

43 min


A hacker's view at commercial drone security

Blackbox JTAG Reverse Engineering
56 min

Blackbox JTAG Reverse Engineering

Discovering what the hardware architects try to hide from…

"Xbox" and "Xbox 360" Hacking
113 min

"Xbox" and "Xbox 360" Hacking

17 Mistakes Microsoft Made in the Xbox Security System &…

Scheme implementation techniques
125 min

Scheme implementation techniques

An overview over Scheme implementation strategies and…

Ansible Crashkurs
42 min

Ansible Crashkurs

mehr automatisierung → mehr gut

GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.
31 min

GIFs: Tod eines Mediums. Und sein Leben nach dem Tod.

Wie es kommt, dass technischer Fortschritt den Nutzern…