Search for person "Mike Emery & Tim Brown"

Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
36 min

Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP

openSUSE & SUSE exploring the container world

openSUSE is what you make it
38 min

openSUSE is what you make it

How to change anything you want in the project

Wie Freifunken in der Asylindustrie?
35 min

Wie Freifunken in der Asylindustrie?

Notizen aus der Partizipationsforschung

A farewell to soul-crushing code
60 min

A farewell to soul-crushing code

Towards correct software that enriches our lives

Logbuch:Netzpolitik 311
58 min

Logbuch:Netzpolitik 311

I love you but I have chosen Datenschutz

SymbiFlow - Finally the GCC of FPGAs!
62 min

SymbiFlow - Finally the GCC of FPGAs!

A fully FOSS, Verilog to bitstream, timing driven, cross…

Growing Up Software Development
31 min

Growing Up Software Development

From Hacker Culture to the Software of the Future

openSUSE & Jurrassic Park
38 min

openSUSE & Jurrassic Park

What should we do about Containerised Applications?