37C3: Unlocked


Full playlist: Video / Audio

The 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) takes place in Hamburg, 27.-30.12.2023, and is the 2023 edition of the annual four-day conference on technology, society and utopia organised by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and volunteers. Congress offers lectures and workshops and various events on a multitude of topics including (but not limited to) information technology and generally a critical-creative attitude towards technology and the discussion about the effects of technological advances on society.
Der Weisheit
83 min

Der Weisheit

Eine Stunde Lebenskunde - 10. Staffelfinale

Erklär ma:
85 min

Erklär ma:


Gala Be Need Inn
93 min

Gala Be Need Inn

Locke Dun Ausgabe

Och Menno
45 min

Och Menno

Neue K(r)ampfhubschrauber für die Bundeswehr

Och Menno
39 min

Och Menno

Military Grade Bullshit

Offene Hör Muscheln
45 min

Offene Hör Muscheln

(OHM #019)

Rückkanal bei der Podcasterei:
82 min

Rückkanal bei der Podcasterei:

Twitter ist tot, Es lebe das Fediverse?!

Sendezentrum: Who Killed The Internet?
46 min

Sendezentrum: Who Killed The Internet?

And a promising alternative for Public Communication and…

The Diner Podcast live:
47 min

The Diner Podcast live:

Frauen in der Technik