Search for "Malli"

Frontex: Der europäische Grenzgeheimdienst
41 min

Frontex: Der europäische Grenzgeheimdienst

Das Grenzüberwachungssystem EUROSUR führt Aufklärungsdaten…

Hacking the Climate
40 min

Hacking the Climate

Mit Climate Engineering raus aus der Klimakrise?

Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos
33 min

Eavesdropping on the Dark Cosmos

Dark Matter and Gravitational Waves

The Mars Rover On-board Computer
43 min

The Mars Rover On-board Computer

How Curiosity's Onboard Computer works, and what you can…

The Transhumanist Paradox
33 min

The Transhumanist Paradox

Deciding between technological utopias in a liberal state

Open Code Verlesung
44 min

Open Code Verlesung

Lesung des öffentlichen Sourcecodes

Cryptography demystified
53 min

Cryptography demystified

An introduction without maths

SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite;
46 min

SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite;

--Gaining code execution using a malicious SQLite database

Quantum Computing: Are we there yet?
61 min

Quantum Computing: Are we there yet?

An introduction to quantum computing and a review of the…

Exploiting PHP7 unserialize
44 min

Exploiting PHP7 unserialize

teaching a new dog old tricks

58 min


Ein Computerwurm für PLCs