Search for person "Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann"

62 min


… und das Rennen um den schnellsten Computer der Welt

System-Level Transactions with picotm
59 min

System-Level Transactions with picotm

The Days of Plenty Are Yet to Come

Playing with the GSM RF Interface
47 min

Playing with the GSM RF Interface

Doing tricks with a mobile phone

Cyberpeace and Datalove
64 min

Cyberpeace and Datalove

How do we counter the memes of control?

Why Net Neutrality Matters?
57 min

Why Net Neutrality Matters?

Status update on current legislation, campaigns and actions

Defend your Freedoms Online: It's Political, Stupid!
61 min

Defend your Freedoms Online: It's Political, Stupid!

A Positive agenda against the next ACTA, SOPA, and such

The nextpnr FOSS FPGA place-and-route tool
46 min

The nextpnr FOSS FPGA place-and-route tool

the next step forward in open source FPGA tools

Analytical Summary of the BlackHole Exploit Kit
51 min

Analytical Summary of the BlackHole Exploit Kit

Almost Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The…

Alles Fake?
41 min

Alles Fake?

Über die Pluralität von Falschmeldungen.

Fakes & Bots
46 min

Fakes & Bots

Hand in Hand, aber auch überschätzt