Search for person "Philipp Fabian"

The Hidden Nemesis
47 min

The Hidden Nemesis

Backdooring Embedded Controllers

The Baseband Apocalypse
66 min

The Baseband Apocalypse

all your baseband are belong to us

TCP Denial of Service Vulnerabilities
30 min

TCP Denial of Service Vulnerabilities

Accepting the Partial Disclosure Challenge

66 min


The Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications standard

DG25: Smartcards
44 min

DG25: Smartcards

Die Welt ist ein Rechteck und hat Goldkontakte

Unlocking FileVault
54 min

Unlocking FileVault

An analysis of Apple's encrypted disk storage system

EvoCell - free software for evolving cellular automata
59 min

EvoCell - free software for evolving cellular automata

Exploring the huge space of possible cellular automata by…