Search for person "Thomas Koch"

TrustZone-M(eh): Breaking ARMv8-M's security
57 min

TrustZone-M(eh): Breaking ARMv8-M's security

Hardware attacks on the latest generation of ARM Cortex-M…

Lightning Talk: Viva la Robolution
10 min

Lightning Talk: Viva la Robolution

Wir bauen einen humanoiden, lebensgroßen 3D-gedruckten…

5G & Net Neutrality
42 min

5G & Net Neutrality

Status of the Net Neutrality Reform in Europe

Hacking Containers and Kubernetes
43 min

Hacking Containers and Kubernetes

Exploiting and protecting containers with a few lines of…

Netboot21: Bootloaders in the 21st Century
32 min

Netboot21: Bootloaders in the 21st Century

User-space bootloaders with LinuxBoot

React meets OpenLayers
21 min

React meets OpenLayers

Vorstellung von und Anwendungsbeispiel mit react-geo