Search for person "Daniel Mach"

Roadrunner: Securing services with LetsEncrypt
34 min

Roadrunner: Securing services with LetsEncrypt

Why you should no longer be afraid of using TLS

Aufbau eines  Schulnetzwerkes
53 min

Aufbau eines Schulnetzwerkes

Wie man Bildung unabhängiger von proprietärer Software macht

1, Qt, Profit!
52 min

1, Qt, Profit!

How developing for Maemo and Symbian becomes fun and may…

Introduction to SecureShare
20 min

Introduction to SecureShare

A peer-to-peer, end-to-end encrypted social networking…

To Make Hearts Bleed
57 min

To Make Hearts Bleed

A Native Developer's Account On SSL

Testing software? Yes, please!
45 min

Testing software? Yes, please!

How SystemTestPortal can help you test

Settling the IM war
40 min

Settling the IM war

Creating an open and federated protocol for instant…

Open Source darf auch was kosten
62 min

Open Source darf auch was kosten

Vom Hobby Projekt zum Beruf