54 min
Messmethoden für CO2-Ampel, Atmosphäre und mehr
28 min
Resists for Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)
41 min
Behind the scenes: Invisible, yet important
96 min
Lesung und Hintergrundgespräch
87 min
or the fine art of appropriating inductive charging pads in…
63 min
Clubkultur oder wie modern ist unser Kulturbegriff?
63 min
Eine kurze Geschichte von Q als Mindfuck-Spiel
66 min
how to esure that the EU meets the goal of creating…
45 min
Wie Politik und Pharma den gerechten Zugang zum Impfstoff…
42 min
A DIY particle physics detector in a tin box.
58 min
Intimiditation surveillance and other tactics observed and…
63 min
Als Prozessbeobachter in London
44 min
How to Identify Police Surveillance at Protests and Large…
60 min
"Wir kommen um uns zu beschweren"
54 min
The history and costs of government exceptional access
58 min
How human-induced climate change affects weather (& how we…
66 min
Harnessing diagnostics for baseband vulnerability research
55 min
Wege aus der Klimakrise - Was uns droht und was getan…
55 min
61 min
A safe platform to study and research automotive systems
59 min
Let's understand how the scientific system works
60 min
Lesung und Hintergrundgespräch
63 min
Insecure Electronic Vote Counting - How It Returned and Why…
44 min
Tech unexeptionalism and the monopolization of every…
36 min
From eyelid blinks to speech recognition
42 min
Your princess is AES encrypted in another castle
46 min
"Feminism will be anti-racist or it won´t be"
40 min
Analysing the link between audience physiology and…