26C3: Here be Dragons


Full playlist: Video / Audio
Advanced microcontroller programming
51 min

Advanced microcontroller programming

Getting deeper into AVR programming

A part time scientists' perspective of getting to the moon
128 min

A part time scientists' perspective of getting to the moon

presenting the first German Team participating in the…

Blackbox JTAG Reverse Engineering
56 min

Blackbox JTAG Reverse Engineering

Discovering what the hardware architects try to hide from…

Building a Debugger
55 min

Building a Debugger

Open JTAG with Voltage Glitching

coreboot: Adding support for a system near you
70 min

coreboot: Adding support for a system near you

Working with the open source BIOS replacement and getting a…

DECT (part II)
61 min

DECT (part II)

What has changed in DECT security after one year

Defending the Poor
71 min

Defending the Poor

Preventing Flash Exploits

Finding the key in the haystack
50 min

Finding the key in the haystack

A practical guide to Differential Power Analysis

"Haste ma'n netblock?"
32 min

"Haste ma'n netblock?"

Layer 8 based IP Address hijacking in the end of the days…

Playing with the GSM RF Interface
47 min

Playing with the GSM RF Interface

Doing tricks with a mobile phone

Reverse-Engineering DisplayLink devices
37 min

Reverse-Engineering DisplayLink devices

USB to DVI for Hackers

57 min


Hacking the Hackers with User-Space Virtualization

Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja
54 min

Vier Fäuste für ein Halleluja

Geschichten aus dem API-und Protokollkrieg von zwei…