What to do when someone close to you takes their life and you are not Tech-Savvy
Jilles Groenendijk and Jurre Groenendijk
My son Jurre and I got involved in helping less Tech-Savvy people find answers and recover precious data after someone close to them took their own life. This lecture describes our challenging and emotional journey as we hope to inspire others to follow our path.
Picture of Jurre and Jilles by Dennis van Zuijlekom is licensed under CC BY SA 2.0
After several talks about Hardware Hacking this talk will be one on a more serious matter. After someone takes their life and the police closes their case, the next of kin may still have questions that are left unanswered. This talk is about our journey from being nerds helping out with computer problems to specialists trying to help the next of kin find answers to questions they might still have.
And as this talk will be hosted for computer specialist who spend quite some effort making sure they are protected from external threat ask yourself this question; Will your loved ones be able to control the infrastructure or even have access to the family photo's when you pass away?