HomeComputerMuseum, the making, the challenges and the importance.
The HomeComputerMuseum's idea originated in 2016 and opened the doors in 2018. Since then, we faced several challenges but we came out on the other end and became one of the largest museums about computers with an award-winning social impact, an enormous social network, collaborations over the whole world and even are of essential importance to the Dutch government. The talk is about the original concept, how we build it to what it is now.
The original concept of the HomeComputerMuseum is a hands-on computermuseum dedicated to the home computer or connected computers. Because a museum is a terrible businessplan I decided to create a few services, like repairs, selling overstock and reading old media. For this could not be done by one person, I decided to have people with autism help me by simply not putting a label on them. The businessplan was created and eventually a building was rented. The entire museum is physically built in 7 days (not even kidding) and we were off to a very rough start and even balancing on the edge of bankruptcy. However, we managed to stay afloat and we even moved to a much better and bigger building where we enjoyed for a full month before corona hit the museum. As an unsubsidized museum and without big sponsors we were faced a brand new challenge. But we overcame and grew stronger than ever.... (and then there's plenty of story to tell more).