Hacks and leaks, then and now

Jeremy Hammond and Gabriella Coleman

Playlists: 'camp2023' videos starting here / audio

A discussion with Jeremy Hammond and Gabriella Coleman on the evolution of digital resistance, from direct action hacking to whistleblowing. How can hacktivists synergize with street activism to enact revolution? Can the lulz beat back the techno-fascist dystopia and their infosec enablers? We'll present strategies to strengthen decentralized networks, challenge government repression, and practice international solidarity.

A discussion on the evolution of digital resistance, from direct action hacking to whistleblowing. How can hacktivists synergize with street activism to enact revolution? Can the lulz beat back the techno-fascist dystopia and their infosec enablers? We'll present strategies to strengthen decentralized networks, challenge government repression, and practice international solidarity.



