EO Data Challenge proposals
Teodora Selea, Ivian Adrian Albu, Bang Pham Huu, Vasil Yordanov, Iván Sánchez Ortega, Candan Eylül Kilsedar and Volker Mische
During this 90 minutes slot, the results obtained by the teams at EO Data Challenge will shortly present their results. The following talks will be presented:
Visualization and Analysis of Big Multidimensional Geospatial Data on the Web (Candan Eylül Kilsedar), STAC for the decentralized Web (Volker Mische), WebGL for in-browser GeoTIFF processing (Iván Sánchez Ortega), Citizen science in support of landslide detection and monitoring (Vasil Yordanov), EO Data Challenge results (Bang Pham Huu)
EO Data Challenge results (Ivian Adrian Albu), LeafS - LEveraging Artificial Intelligence for Forest Sustainability (Teodora Selea).