We have learned that Math might be our last defence line against
a real existing all-encompassing surveillance. One central challenge
in this conflict is to combine authentication and anonymity.
Number theory provides us many tools to create really surprising
technologies for social communication. A lot of these technologies
have not yet been brought to the world of concrete implementations.
This has the implication that some ideas which have been presented
years ago are not covered by patents any more.
We have learned that Math might be our last defence line against
a real existing all-encompassing surveillance. One central challenge
in this conflict is to combine authentication and anonymity.
Number theory provides us many tools to create really surprising
technologies for social communication. A lot of these technologies
have not yet been brought to the world of concrete implementations.
This has the implication that some ideas which have been presented
years ago are not covered by patents any more.
These files contain multiple languages.
This Talk was translated into multiple languages. The files available for download contain all languages as separate audio-tracks. Most desktop video players allow you to choose between them.
Please look for "audio tracks" in your desktop video player.