Search for person "mark s brown"

SiliVaccine: North Korea's Weapon of Mass Detection
52 min

SiliVaccine: North Korea's Weapon of Mass Detection

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Backdoor

Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
36 min

Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP

openSUSE & SUSE exploring the container world

openSUSE is what you make it
38 min

openSUSE is what you make it

How to change anything you want in the project

openSUSE & Jurrassic Park
38 min

openSUSE & Jurrassic Park

What should we do about Containerised Applications?

Failure modes of digital radios
23 min

Failure modes of digital radios

World radio spectrum domination through silicon control

Moving Beyond Infrastructure as Code
55 min

Moving Beyond Infrastructure as Code

: Why Event-Driven Infrastructure is the Path Forward for…

A world without blockchain
42 min

A world without blockchain

How (inter)national money transfers works