Search for person "Markus Zimmermann"

"Fluxus cannot save the world."
57 min

"Fluxus cannot save the world."

What hacking has to do with avantgarde art of the 1960ies…

System-Level Transactions with picotm
59 min

System-Level Transactions with picotm

The Days of Plenty Are Yet to Come

Cyberpeace and Datalove
64 min

Cyberpeace and Datalove

How do we counter the memes of control?

Why Net Neutrality Matters?
57 min

Why Net Neutrality Matters?

Status update on current legislation, campaigns and actions

Defend your Freedoms Online: It's Political, Stupid!
61 min

Defend your Freedoms Online: It's Political, Stupid!

A Positive agenda against the next ACTA, SOPA, and such

Computing on the edge
43 min

Computing on the edge

Container und Kubernetes im Embedded-Umfeld

Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms
55 min

Copyright Enforcement Vs. Freedoms

ACTA, IPRED3 and other upcoming battles of the crusade…

DG73: Hacking with Care
101 min

DG73: Hacking with Care

Tactical and ethical care for all

57 min


Paradoxien des deutschen Wahlsystems

Das Lagerhaus G und die Initiative Dessauer Ufer
37 min

Das Lagerhaus G und die Initiative Dessauer Ufer

Zu den Auseinandersetzungen um ein ehemaliges KZ-Außenlager…

Privatisierung der Rechtsdurchsetzung
60 min

Privatisierung der Rechtsdurchsetzung

Was der Anti-Terror-Kampf von der Urheberrechtsdurchsetzung…

An Elevator to the Moon (and back)
61 min

An Elevator to the Moon (and back)

Space Transportation and the Extraterrestrial Imperative

Redis ist 10!
55 min

Redis ist 10!

Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft