Chaos Communication Camp 2019

Hardware & Making

Full playlist: Video / Audio
c3Power Monitoring CCCamp 19
39 min

c3Power Monitoring CCCamp 19

Strom in Bits und Bytes visualisiert

"Service Point" The Display
38 min

"Service Point" The Display

A tale of four generations

Die Zukunft hat zwei Wellen
31 min

Die Zukunft hat zwei Wellen

Ein Blick auf die Zukunft der Freifunk-Hardware (und was…

From DC to RF...starting where?
43 min

From DC to RF...starting where?

An analog engineer dives into RF circuits

Cyborg Foundation
27 min

Cyborg Foundation

Transpecies Society

A mobile phone that respects your freedom
45 min

A mobile phone that respects your freedom

Experiences and lessons learned from 2 years of development…

Fangespielen mit IMSI-Catchern
34 min

Fangespielen mit IMSI-Catchern

Warum IMSI Catcher schlecht "Verstecken" spielen

The Limits of General Purpose SDR devices
46 min

The Limits of General Purpose SDR devices

Why an SDR board like a USRP or LimeSDR is not a cellular…

On bendy inflatables and travelling techno
43 min

On bendy inflatables and travelling techno

Or, making hackercamp installations for cheap

spispy: SPI flash device emulation
32 min

spispy: SPI flash device emulation

Open source tools for flash emulation and research

Knoten 101
33 min

Knoten 101

Can you knot or can you not ?