39 min
c3Power Monitoring CCCamp 19
Strom in Bits und Bytes visualisiert

31 min
Die Zukunft hat zwei Wellen
Ein Blick auf die Zukunft der Freifunk-Hardware (und was…

38 min
"Service Point" The Display
A tale of four generations

27 min
Cyborg Foundation
Transpecies Society

43 min
From DC to RF...starting where?
An analog engineer dives into RF circuits

45 min
A mobile phone that respects your freedom
Experiences and lessons learned from 2 years of development…

34 min
Fangespielen mit IMSI-Catchern
Warum IMSI Catcher schlecht "Verstecken" spielen

32 min
spispy: SPI flash device emulation
Open source tools for flash emulation and research

43 min
On bendy inflatables and travelling techno
Or, making hackercamp installations for cheap

46 min
The Limits of General Purpose SDR devices
Why an SDR board like a USRP or LimeSDR is not a cellular…

33 min