Structured Data: How can GLAMs grab the low hanging fruit?
Valentine Charles, Antoine Isaac and Liam Wyatt
Europeana offers a trusted repository of cultural heritage objects on the Web. One of our missions is to facilitate the re-use of cultural heritage metadata and content by third parties. In order to do so, it is crucial for the metadata and content described in Europeana to be semantically rich, multilingual and re-usable. A better integration with Wikidata is therefore a key priority.[1] Wikidata fulfils many of the criteria Europeana has set for its data-source selection and is now part of its own knowledge graph, the Europeana Entity Collection, for describing people, places and concepts entities. In addition, the Wikidata/Commons Structured Data project will provide Europeana with structured metadata for describing digital content. While Wikidata and Structured Data provide a way to leverage the re-use of cultural heritage metadata and content on the Web, it is crucial for the whole GLAM sector to engage with these two initiatives to make it a success. In this workshop we will invite participants to discuss what could be done: for the GLAM community to better leverage the power of Wikidata to share their local resources on the Web. for Wikidata to enrich its existing knowledge base with GLAM data. for third parties like Europeana to get access to rich and multilingual descriptions.