Playlist "State of the Map 2022"
Lightning talks I
Lightning talks
## AddressForAll Institute
_by Thierry Jean_
## ImproveOSM new data dumps
_by Beata Tautan-Jancso_
The ImproveOSM platform is a suite of tools to share various mapping tasks containing potentially missing one-way tags, turn restrictions, and roads from the OpenStreetMap. The ImproveOSM data is also available as frequent data dumps in CSV format.
## Geohash plugin
_by Beata Tautan-Jancso, Nicoleta Viregan_
Geohash is a plugin available in the JOSM tool, which comes to be handy for some of you who work in precise areas based on geohash units. The plugin displays a layer of grids on top of the map layer. In addition to the visualization feature, the plugin offers extra functionalities, and this talk aims to emphasize the diverse usages of this tool.