Playlist "State of the Map 2022"
Educational initiatives and platforms on OpenStreetMap: making open data more accessible
OpenStreetMap is a huge repository of geographic information – but how accessible is it? This panel aims at enlighting existing educational activities and platforms around OpenStreetMap topics, including editing, data usage and community governance, with the goal of exploring how new users and data consumers can approach OpenStreetMap in an easier way, and eventually widespread its adoption. During the panel we will discuss and share educational practices, experiences and tools and challenges.
During the panel, we will discuss existing educational activities and platforms around OpenStreetMap topics, including editing, data usage and community governance. When first approaching OpenStreetMap, learning tools and activities may prove to be highly beneficial for new volunteers in several aspects as well as for expert mappers to improve their knowledge.
Education around editing may lead to higher quality of data both during collaborative events or, in general, over all the mapper’s lifetime.
Mappers may have knowledge on OSM editing and complete lack of understanding on how the data can be used for software or cartographic applications. On the other hand, many data consumers may not know editing practices and how the tagging schema is refined and discussed in the OSM community.
Understanding how the OSM community is interacting and governing the project, including exposure to the guidelines related to good editing practices, organised editing, imports and licensing, may have companies and professionals better understand how to behave in this environment.
The goal of this discussion is to enlist and explore all the tools and activities that organizations and communities are developing around education on OSM, with particular focus on the audience covered by those as well as the languages this material is offered through.