Overview on OpenStreetMap Togo Community
Le Togo, l’un des plus petits pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest abrite depuis 2013 une communauté OpenStreetMap. OSM Togo a mise en œuvre de nombreux projets mais a connu également des difficultés. Cette présentation a pour objectif de faire un aperçu sur la vie de la communauté OpenStreetMap Togo.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) considered as the wikipedia of cartography is a Collaborative Mapping Project which exists in several countries around the world. So, Togo, one of the smallest countries of West Africa, has been hosting for more than five years a strong and dynamic OSM community called OpenStreetMap Togo. Several activities, mainly mapathon sessions, mapping parties, and capacity building trainings have been carried out through several projects for various target groups including students, public institutions, civil society organizations, and companies in order to promote the OSM project and to have a quality data on Togo. Highlights of these projects are: "Digital mapping OpenStreetMap as lever for local development in Togo", “GirlsMap, a gender-oriented project implemented in several African countries”, “G roads project (mapping of mainly roads of Togo)”, and “mapping of all pharmacy of Lomé, capital of Togo (CARTOPHARMA)”. Today, there are more than 200 local contributors who, through their actions, are making the OSM data evolve at the country level. However, like in most OSM communities in Africa and around the world, OSM Togo is sometimes constrained by several difficulties that limit the expansion of the OSM project and the production of better quality data in Togo. The objective of this presentation is to highlight the life of the OSM community in Togo, its projects, strengths, challenges and its difficulties related to quality OSM data production.