Playlist "State of the Map 2019"
Introduce OpenPlaceReviews and connect to OpenStreetMap
As of today we have OpenStreetMap but it doesn't fit all data and some data is not recommended for submission. We've got user reviews request in OsmAnd and Maps.Me and we would like to collaborate with OpenStreetMap community to create independent open platform for reviews.
I would like to talk about how data could be stored and moderated and would like to explain how that data will be further integrated with OpenStreetMap and will be contributed back to OSM!
One of the main contribution to OSM database itself will be justified places and details of places itself. I will explain how tools will validate License sanity and avoid Import problem to OSM i.e. how every edit will be administered by OSM-user. In the end we would like to have seamless OSM user experience integration and create open OSM-satellite project.
*OpenPlaceReviews - A new way for local reviews*
Open. Collaborative. Trustworthy.
Openness - make all the reviews data open, so every project can access and contribute back.
Community driven - build a community to make decision about moderation, data structure together.
Decentralization - develop a decentralized system from the Day 1 to avoid scalability issues in the future.
Trust - create tools to detect fraud, spam & keep all the data open to prevent any data manipulation.
Monetization - make business subscriptions once the project is matured and spread the income between applications, authors, moderators and network operators.
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