Mitch, Maximilian Voigt, Daniel Wessolek, Cedric Honnet, unixjazz, Helen Leigh, Drew Fustini and Shannon Dosemagen
We want to revive the Open Hardware Meetup and make it a regular event again starting with this year's Congress. In the future we want to present great Open Hardware projects and give a space for exchange - alternating in the world of bits and atoms. Join us, present what you're working on and let's get to know each other!
For this first session we discuss topics such as:
+ How do we interface open hardware dev + community work with questions of sustainability / climate change mitigation?
+ Open hardware as possibility to repurpose hardware and upcycle things
+ Funding for open hardware
+ Public funding -> public tech
We will be joined by Helen Leigh from Crowd Supply, Luis Felipe Murillo, co-founder of the Journal of Open Hardware, Cedric Honnet from MIT Media Lab, Mitch Altman from Cornfield Electronics, Drew Fustini from BayLibre, Shannon Dosemagen from Open Environmental Data Project, and possibly others.
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