Megaprojects in Mexico and capitalist strategies of expropriation: "Defensa de la Tierra y del Territorio - experiencias de la complicidad internacional"
The current social democratic government of Mexico and it's president Andrés Manuel López Obrador are pushing for a territorial restructuring ("ordenamiento territorial") of the south of the country, with the aim of industrialization and - supposedly - creating jobs and economic prosperity. Two large infrastructure projects are meant to open up the territories and their inhabitants for multinacional capitalist exploitation: the so-called "Tren Maya", which is supposed to connect six states - from chiapas to the Yucatán peninsula - on over 1.500 kilometers of rail and the "Corredor Interoceanico del Istmo de Tehuantepec", a 300km long railway and highway corridor connecting ports on the atlantic coast with ports on the pacific coast. The intention behind it is creating an overland Panama Canal and builing several industrial parks to attract international corporations. Both projects, which are supposed to be connected by train, aim the exploitation of water, energy and all the resources of the partly indigenous territories, as well as to create acces for mass tourism. The whole project will be administered by the armed forces, further adding to the drastic problem of militarization and violence. This violence manifests itself already in countless acts against people and (indigenous) communities.As numerous European companies are involved in the projects and governments are expressing their interests in the Mexican resources, we would like to share our knowledge and experiences and discuss what we can do from our territories to support the communities'/people's struggle for autonomy, justice and self-determination and against destruction, violence and militarization.We want to have an open discussion and rather practical approach since in order to stop these developments it needs urgent actions in Europe as well as practical exchange of knowledge with our comrades in Mexico and Abya Yala. We need to stop talking and organize ourselfs to connect ambitions of autonomos spaces like spiderwebs growing from below. The so called "Caravana el Sur Resiste" and the internacionalist meeting that is taking place between the 25th of april and 7th of may will bring together hundreds of people from different communities and countries from all over the world. We want to share our experiences from the caravan and what kind of practical work will arise from it. **We are trying to organize that some compas from Mexico will be able to travel to Europe and join this workshop so they can share their experiences with us. If that's the case the workshop will be in spanish with translation**More information: