Continuous Delivery - from dream to reality
Clement Escoffier (akquinet AG)
Continuous integration servers have become a cornerstone of any professional development environment. By letting a machine integrate and build software, developers can focus on their tasks: fixing bugs and developing new features. With the emergence of trends such as continuous deployment and delivery, the continuous integration server is not limited to integrating products, but has become a central piece of infrastructure. By using continuous delivery, the application is deployed continuously and without human intervention. For instance, when deploying to testing, staging and production environments, the application can be checked and tested by the users and changes can be seen immediately. However the implementation of a so-called delivery pipeline supporting the continuous process can be a tough challenge. This talk presents how such a pipeline can be implemented using Jenkins as main orchestrator. This talk presents the objective of continuous delivery and how it can be implemented simply for web applications. It then improves the deployment pipeline to show the integration of several testing stages as well as infrastructure as code. This talk is based on the akquinet tech@spree experience, after having successfully implemented and enforced continuous delivery is several projects.
Über den Autor Clement Escoffier: Clement Escoffier is a Solution Architect in the Mobile Solution and OSGi Competence Center of the akquinet AG. He is a Apache Felix commiter and leads the Apache Felix iPOJO project, and also leads the OW2 Chameleon project. He is a confirmed Android developer. He is also interested in mobile and pervasive middleware to build innovative applications such as M2M, multimedia applications. He received a PHD in computer science from the University of Grenoble in 2008.