Larry Augustin (SugarCRM Inc.)
The two big growth areas for open source are cloud computing and business applications. Leading Cloud service providers like Amazon and Google are built entirely on open source technologies. Because those platforms are built on open source infrastructure they have a natural affinity for open source applications as well. Indeed, 58 percent of IT executives now use open source for mission-critical applications, according to Forrester Research. In this keynote presentation, SugarCRM CEO Larry Augustin will talk about how open source is powering the major trends in technology and what that means for the future of software, open standards and open source developers worldwide.
Über den Autor Larry Augustin: Larry Augustin is an angel investor and advisor to early stage technology companies. He currently serves on the Boards of Directors of Appcelerator, Compiere, DeviceVM, DotNetNuke, Fonality, Hyperic, Medsphere, Pentaho and SugarCRM. One of the group who coined the term "Open Source", he has written and spoken extensively on Open Source worldwide. Worth Magazine named him to their list of the Top 50 CEOs in 2000. From 2002 to 2004 he was a Venture Partner at Azure Capital Partners. In 1993 he founded VA Linux (now SourceForge, NASDAQ:LNUX) serving as CEO until August 2002. While CEO he launched and led the company through an IPO in December 1999.