intro to time- & organisation-concepts and useful tricks
GTD, ZTD, Bulletjournal, KANBAN, SCRUM and other buzzwords are new to you?
Want to get organized and get an efficient overview of all your TODOs?
Or already using some concepts and want to go deeper and learn (hopefully) some new tricks?
Then join this talk.
First half will be an overview of task-and organisation systems, and the underlying concept how to use it. It is not a hands-on handholding session, but rather explaining the concept, so that you can check and integrate the systems that fit best to your mind & workflows.
Second half will then be a collection of some nice tricks and tools (PKM, Inbox-zero, Logseq, Obsidian, Emacs (org-mode),..)
Third is the most important: FAQ-round for your concerns and issues regarding time- and organisation-systems.
Best way to learn and teach is by communicating, so lets talk!