Can packaging improve Django deployments?
How can packaging Django projects make deployments easier, faster and more reliable?
Deployments of Django projects can be a challenging task. Beside the Python source code itself you usually have to handle a lot of other stuff:
* Installing Python dependencies
* Shipping JavaScript code and installing it's dependencies
* Compiling SCSS to CSS
* Collecting static files
* Building documentation
* Compiling translations
* …
And of course you want a deployment approach that is independent of a specific hosting solution.
Also you have to think about the scalability of your deployment when the number of servers you operate increases.
This usually means that `git pull` is not the best way to deal with these tasks.
So I will discuss different ways to package your Django project like
* Wheels
* JavaScript packages
* Operating system packages
* Containers
Some of these concepts will hopefully help you to make your deployment process easier, faster and more reliable.