The opening of the hackumenta in Kassel, Germany will involve two different phases. First, the "hack-lab", for which the hack will be conducted, will be located at the Kassel University of Applied Sciences. Here hackers will get their first stab at developing their software and testing it with a real life example. Secondly, they will be able to conduct "open" experiments using the platform. This will allow the hackers to connect to the public to make their software even more open and free.
Hackumenta will have up to 50,000 users
The project is the brainchild of Andreas Krawitz and his team from the "Hackumenta" company. The company is a subsidiary of the German Software House of Technology, whose board members include Jurgen Neugebauer, chief executive of Google, Michael Schroeter, head of IBM Research Germany, Dr Ulrich Schäuble, chairman of the German Bundesministerium for Economic Affairs, Erich Honecker and the Chancellor of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer.