Two Tin Cans - Printmaking in a phonebox
Suzie is the creator of Two Tin Cans, a printmaking studio in a telephone box which will be at EMF!
Two Tin Cans is a K6 style phonebox... with a difference! Inside the phonebox is a tiny printmaking studio includes printing blocks created by Suzie Devey. Every person who enters the box can make a unique work of art to keep, for free. New artwork is created for every event making the work highly collectable!
Established as a way to tackle loneliness across the North York Moors the phonebox is in high demand as a way to make creative conversations happen. Funded by Arts Council England, Suzie worked with Teesside Hackspace to test ideas and make the magic happen! This talk tells the story of my journey as an artist and how I encouraged people from all walks of life to get in touch with their local hackspaces as part of the creative engagement.