Hacking around the world
Mitch Altman is a virtual reality pioneer, early HackSpace activist and inventor of the TV-B-Gone - a remote control whose sole function is to turn off all nearby TVs. Since 2007, he has been traveling the world giving talks and workshops teaching people of all ages how to solder and make cool things with electronics. In doing so, he encourages everyone to explore and find meaning in what they do. He also challenges people to look within themselves to find answers to difficult questions we all face. In his talk, he will give an entertaining overview of his experiences.
DIWO WEEK is a workshop week for networking in the local scene, as well as internationally active artists through input lectures as an evening program. We want to give interested artists, media makers and DIY enthusiasts with an interest in multimedia / generative art a platform to live out their interests, start projects, and make the resulting ideas accessible to everyone. We want to bundle the DIY approach that many have with their own projects and create a DIWO platform where individuals with the same interest in media art can interact with each other.