Ein*e Chef*in entscheidet. Wir stimmen demokratisch ab. Wir sitzen alle im Kreis und entscheiden gemeinsam. Verschiedene Situationen erfordern unterschiedliche Entscheidungswege. Wir kennen schon viel und es gibt noch viel mehr. Dieser Workshop dient als Inspiration dafür, intelligentere Entscheidungen im eigenen Team zu treffen.
A boss decides. We vote in a democratic way. We all sit in a circle and decide together. Different situations demand different ways of decision making. We know a lot and yet there is much more. This workshop acts as inspiration to take more intelligent decisions within your own team.
These files contain multiple languages.
This Talk was translated into multiple languages. The files available for download contain all languages as separate audio-tracks. Most desktop video players allow you to choose between them.
Please look for "audio tracks" in your desktop video player.