Transformative Justice - Jenseits von Polizei und Gefängnis
Melanie Brazzell and Nadija Samour
This workshop questions the so-called 'security' the German state offers in response to gendered violence. This workshop looks at connections between state violence and interpersonal violence (particularly sexual and partner violence) to show that strategies like police, borders, and prisons actually create and perpetuate rather than end violence. After the events of New Years Eve in Cologne in 2016, white mainstream feminist and LGBT organizations called on the State for more ‘protection’ for women and queer people. Yet we know that the State uses its claims to protect those marginalized communities as an alibi to continue law enforcement violence against people of color and migrants.
For many marginalized people, calling the police is not an option. So what lies beyond the prison and the border? What could really make all of us safe? Nadija Samour and Melanie Brazzell present from the recent anthology they co-authored, Was macht uns wirklich sicher? Toolkit zu intersektionaler transformativer Gerechtigkeit jenseits von Gefängnis und Polizei (edition assemblage 2018).