INSPIRE Reference Validator: status and next steps
Belén Sáez, Iñaki Díaz de Cerio Paniagua, Carlos Palma, Enrique Soriano, Jon Herrmann, Clemens Portele, Michael Lutz and Marco Minghini
The INSPIRE Reference Validator is the tool adopted by EU Member States to validate the resources of their Spatial Data Infrastructures. It is an implementation of the ETF, an open source testing framework based on ISO and OGC standards, which performs tests organized into Executable Test Suites (ETS) using SoapUI, BaseX and TEAM Engine. The ETF can be used via either a web application or a REST API; a Docker container is also available for quick deployment. The INSPIRE Reference Validator, recently deployed on the cloud, offers many open source ETS to test data sets, metadata, View Services (WMS, WMTS), Download Services (Atom, WFS, WCS, SOS) and Discovery Services (CSW) against the interoperability requirements set by the INSPIRE Technical Guidance documents. Starting from the context of INSPIRE Action 2017.4 on Validation and conformity testing, the talk will present the latest developments of the ETS and ETF (including the governance of the software project) and describe the future plans.