geOrchestra - INSPIDE SDI
geOrchestra gathers an open source community to build an INSPIRE compliant Spatial Data Infrastructure. The result is a customizable, interoperable and free INSPIRE SDI, based on the best geospatial open source components.
Referenced on Github, geOrchestra offers a solution to publish and share spatial data on intranet and internet.
geOrchestra project is built around several independent and interoperable applications, such as Geoserver, GeoNetwork.
These various modules are loosely coupled, meaning that the operation of each module does not affect the other. Communication between modules uses OGC standards.
geOrchestra was designed to meet the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive, which aims to establish a spatial data infrastructure at European scale, with the aim to meet the challenges of sustainable development.
This talk will describe the geOrchestra community project and give a project status update.