SIRA – a single framework to search and view complex datasets through OGC services
Alfieri Paola, Costamagna Simona, Navarretta Antonello and Sanmartino Diego
Complex alphanumeric information originating from heterogeneous sources (e.g. administrative procedures, cadastre/registry, environmental measures…) are relevant both as search keys of elements on maps and as essential knowledge layers. Regione Piemonte project addresses the need of integrating geo-alphanumeric search and view capabilities in a single tool. Beside standard geoportal functionalities, the tool supports users to: search datasets available in one or more SDI (CSW), enabling functions customized on each dataset served in WFS 2.0 Complex-Feature, such as: Query builder (alphanumeric/spatial); Result list (report and selection on map) → download (csv, shp); Detail form → download (pdf). SIRA is completely OS: PostGIS; GeoServer with App-schema; HALE; Mapstore 2 (Web Client). The framework has been applied in the environmental field, to improve the dissemination of data on pressures and vulnerable targets collected by SIRA (Piedmont Region Environmental Information System) and recently reused also in Croatia, with the main objective to transmit knowledge on prevention and control of industrial accidents, Twinning project HR 14 IB EN 02, creating the BIFISIC tool (Better Information For Industrial Safety In Croatia).