Three-D Change Detection: A QGIS Plugin with Python 3
Jordan Bates, Muhammad Hasan Mustafa and Tanmoy Chakraborty
With the increase of sensor capabilities and popularity of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) there has been an increase in the detail and types of digital elevation models (DEMs) that can be produced. With these improved products and their 3D characteristics, more can be derived from their analysis including the detection and location of important changes over time. The analysis between two temporally different DEMs, digital terrain models (DTMs) or digital simulations models (DSMs) can indicate important factors such as erosion, structural damage, or deforestation. The talk will discuss a project that focuses on the suitability of creating a plugin for QGIS to automate the process of performing 3D change detection with these data types. It is expected that the need for an intuitive and automated process for this type of analysis will only increase with the feasibility of DEM generation and collection with new software and UAS popularity.