Guarding Your IO Boundaries
At the boundaries of our applications, a lot of bad things can happen. Users supply all kinds of invalid or malicious input, other services may or may not return what their documentation promises, little Bobby Tables is sneaking around the corner. How do we cope?
In the world of strongly-typed functional languages, we’ve been used for a long time to guarding our applications right at the boundaries: Make sure that the data we’re receiving looks like what we’re expecting right at the beginning, so that the inner parts of our application can rely on those expectations. But in the JavaScript/Node.js universe, this hasn’t really caught on, and without a strong type system, there wasn’t much to gain either – until now! With the rise of TypeScript, we now have all the tools of a strong type system at hands, so why not use them?
In this talk, we’re going to look at concepts for guarding IO boundaries, use the example of the io-ts library to see what TypeScript can (and did!) learn from Haskell.