Building Secure Container Images for the Cloud with Yocto
Yocto is a tool for building custom Linux distros. When you think about it, a container image is just a custom Linux distro. The distro (e.g. Alpine) is your base image and the customizations are the rest of your application or microservice. Like Podman, Yocto can generate a complete root filesystem in the form of an OCI container image. Originally targeted at bare metal, the Yocto configuration and build process seems complex when compared to the Containerfile approach of cloud native tools. Yocto's OpenEmbedded origins also mean that reduced image size, SBOM generation, license compliance, and reproducible builds were concerns early on in the project rather than afterthoughts. With security and risk of litigation now top of mind, this talk explains Yocto's uniquely layered and ultimately monolithic approach to solving these real-world software problems.
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