Quantum Hardening Cryptographic Protocols - EN
This talk is an introduction to the field of quantum hardening. The introduction of practical quantum computers will render existing cryptographic protocols unsafe. At what point we need to start worrying and what can be done to remedy this problem is the focus of this talk. The talk begins with an introduction to the design of modern cryptographic protocols in general.
If you would like to skip the crypto introduction and cut to the quantum hardening part, jump to minute 29:00.
Deutsche Version: https://media.ccc.de/v/DiVOC-19-quantum
Blog Post (en): https://medium.com/@karolin_varner/2def53b46833?source=friends_link&sk=240a46cb939e7d9244f2fbb5066201e8
Blog Post (en, alternative host): https://cupdev.net/blog/014_quantumhardening.html
The original talk was in German, so this is a re-recording for your pleasure.