Power Supply stability and risks
This talk is about the stability of powersupplies for digital and analog electronics, and of radios or wireless transceivers controlled by such electronics.
A brief overview of topologies will be given, using a bottom-up approach, so that software and hardware combinations controlling such powersystems and reasons of powercycling can be understood. Integrated circuits with DC/DC converters and linear regulators like low-dropout regulators (LDO) are reviewed, and several common generic chips and more custom solutions that can be found. The talk focussed on concepts, understanding specifications and sometimes, the lack of spcification in a manufacturer datasheet.
The concept of a powersupply crash, hickup, and digital electronic 'latch-up' is discussed. Scenario's to reach such state using software are explored.
Hands-on ways to test a powersupply are provided, using electronic loads. Hands-on testing of powersupplies, from tens of milliwatts to a few hundred watts are provided.
Influence of temperature and related cooling of powersupplies is discussed, as well as noise performance and step response.